Season 2 | Episode 1: Maestro Lupo / Hairy Hoax / Mole Holes / Insuring Papa's Success

Fix and Foxi

Animation/Adventure, Germany 2001

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Lupo would do anything to win the cool scooter at the art competition. Of course, he also tries to trick Fix and Foxi and in doing so they reach undreamt-of artistic heights. Fix and Foxi can be really stupid sometimes, Lupinchen thinks. First they claim that Lupinchen is too cowardly to watch the horror show with them and then she sits all alone in front of the TV. When suddenly there is a real monster in the living room, Lupinchen shows what girls do with monsters. Grandma Eusebia and the mole in her garden have a completely different idea of garden design. When the guy gets too cheeky, Fix and Foxi intervene. Papa Peppercorn has an important customer meeting on his working day today. It's just a pity that he leaves his workbook at home. Pip, Pep, Mom and Lucky try everything possible to get the folder to the office on time.
23 min
Starting at 6
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Antoni D‘Ocon


Susan Kim


Rolf Kauka (Comics)


Matthias Raue

Original language:



4:3 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 6

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