Season 2 | Episode 5: Rat Hunt / O Lucky Lupo / Ups and Downs / Ladies Day

Fix and Foxi

Animation/Adventure, Germany 2001

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Grandma Eusebia hates rats. Too bad one of them made herself comfortable in her kitchen. As Fix and Foxi help her get rid of the animal, they experience a surprise and have a new pet. Now all they have to do is convince Uncle Fax. Lupo in Luck. He won the lottery. Everything would be perfect if he hadn't put the lottery ticket on his sandwich, which a little dog steals from him. It's time for Fix and Foxi to come to the rescue. Professor Knox experiments with gravity and accidentally lifts himself off the ground. He hangs completely weightless under the ceiling and he doesn't seem to be all right in other respects either - he has a Latin attack. Fix and Foxi have to get him back on the floor somehow. It's mum's turn to entertain the the women's group. Dad always wanted to know what the women talk about when there are no men around. He sneaks into the group as a fair beauty in female disguise.
23 min
Starting at 6
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Antoni D‘Ocon


Susan Kim


Rolf Kauka (Comics)


Matthias Raue

Original language:



4:3 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 6

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